Documentation Constitution Constitution 2015
Constitution 2015 PDF Print E-mail
Thursday, 27 January 2011 17:19

A.  Organisation

  1. The organisation shall be called the New Forest Junior Cricket Association and shall be affiliated to the New Forest Club Cricket Association (NFCCA).   The initials NFJCA shall be used when appropriate.


B.  Formation

  1. The NFJCA is formed as a voluntary body to promote Colts Cricket within the New Forest and surrounding area.

C.  Objectives

  1. Our aim is to encourage young people of all abilities to take part in and enjoy Cricket and thereafter sustain their interest.


D.  Subscriptions

  1. The NFJCA subscription (Affiliation fee) shall be set at the Annual General Meeting of the main body of the NFCCA.  It is currently £25.00.   The committee (NFCCA) reserves the right to amend the subscription (Affiliation fee) if the need arises.
  2. The Colts subscription and cup entry fees shall be set at the Annual General Meeting of the Colts section.  It is currently £30.00 per team.   The Colts Committee reserves the right to amend the subscription fee if the need arises.
  3. Subscriptions (Affiliation fees) shall be payable no later than the 1st January annually.
  4. In the event of non-payment of the subscription (Affiliation fee) by 1st January each year, clubs may be deemed to have withdrawn from the Leagues.  This decision will be at the discretion of the Colts Committee.

E.  Finance

  1. The Colts Secretary will collect any money for the NFJCA in the way of Affiliation fees, League and Cup entry fees and fines, which shall be given to the NFCCA Treasurer.  League and Cup entry fees and fines shall be used solely for the objectives of the NFJCA development.
  2. A bank account shall be kept in the name of NFCCA, and any cheques issued must be signed by two of the following Officers, Chairperson, Secretary and Treasurer.
  3. The NFCCA financial year shall run from the 1st January to the 31st December.
  4. The Treasurer is empowered to keep proper accounts and regularly report to the committee on Financial matters.  The Treasurer shall present a statement, independently examined by a suitably qualified person, at the Annual General Meeting.


G.  Management

  1. The affairs of the NFJCA shall be controlled by a General Committee consisting of:  Chairperson,  Vice Chairperson, League Secretary, Treasurer, Youth Development Coordinator, Welfare Officer, Results Secretaries and 2 Additional Members
  2. The General Committee shall be elected annually at the Annual General Meeting (AGM) by the members present and decided by a majority vote of hands.
  3. The General committee shall meet every six weeks and the proceedings at these meetings shall be recorded.
  4. The General committee shall have the power to declare a seat vacant should a member be absent for more than two consecutive meetings without satisfactory explanation.
  5. The General committee shall have the power to fill such vacancies as may arise in its Constitution between AGM’s.
  6. Any member of the General Committee has a right to call a meeting, but no decisions can be made unless there is a quorum of 5 members.
  7. Any voting will be by show of hands.   In case of a tied vote, the Chairperson shall have a casting vote.


H.  Colts Annual General Meeting (AGM)

  1. Both the NFCCA & NFJCA AGM’s will be held on the last Monday in January each year, in the same venue.  The NFJCA meeting will follow directly after the NFCCA AGM.
  2. The Secretary shall give 21 days notice of such meeting to all members.
  3. A representative from each affiliated club must attend.  A fine of £25.00 will be imposed for non attendance at the AGM.
  4. At the AGM the Chairperson or Vice Chairperson will chair the meeting.  All existing Committee members shall retire, but be eligible for re-election if they have so indicated.
  5. Candidates for election to the Committee must be proposed and seconded by affiliated members.  The names of the candidates, proposed and seconded members should be completed on a commitee  Nominations form. The completed form should be sent to the League Secretary, prior to the AGM.   Nominations will also be accepted from the floor.
  6. Voting shall be by show of hands.  In case of a tied vote, the Chairperson shall have a casting  vote.


J.  Extraordinary General Meeting (EGM)

  1. An Extraordinary General Meeting can be convened by the General Committee when deemed desirable.
  2. The Secretary shall give 14 days notice of such meeting to all members of the General Committee and also shall be given in writing to all affiliated Clubs.
  3. A representative from each affiliated club must attend.   A fine of £25.00 will be imposed for non attendance at the EGM.
  4. Voting shall be by show of hands. In case of a tied vote, the Chairperson shall have a casting   vote.


K.  Complaints

  1. Any member wishing to lodge a complaint must do so in writing to the league Secretary within 10 days of the event.  The complaint should be accompanied by a fee of £20.   The fee may be returned at the discretion of the Colts Committee after the protest or complaint has been resolved.


L.  Child Protection

  1. The NFJCA shall follow the standard set out be the ECB for Child Protection.
  2. The NFJCA shall have at least one Child Welfare Officer.
  3. All Managers, Coaches and Committee members must have a valid Criminal Records Disclosure Form


M.  Club Information and Correspondence

  1. Clubs must provide at least one e-mail contact for all Colts’ correspondence.
  2. Clubs shall advise the League Secretary of any changes to their Club details, including Manager contact details as soon as they occur.     Failure to do so will result in a fine of £10.
  3. Clubs who do not respond to requests for information from the General Committee will be fined at £10 per offence.
  4. Clubs must also provide all required handbook details by the 1st December for the forthcoming season.  Failure to do this will result in a £10.00 fine for each team subsequently entered.

N.  Alteration to the Constitution or Rules

  1. No alterations to these Rules shall be made except at the AGM or EGM.
  2. Notice or any proposed alterations must be given in writing to the League Secretary no later than 21 days before the AGM or EGM.


P.  Winding up

  1. In the event of the NFJCA winding up and after all debt and liabilities have been satisfied,      any money or equipment shall be transferred for holding to NFCCA.
Last Updated on Friday, 08 May 2015 19:03


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